(Pre-Order) ChaoShan (潮汕) GuangDong Premium Tangerine 潮州蕉柑 24 Pcs in a Premium Gift Box (Size: Jumbo 24s)
Premium Grade
Size: Jumbo 24s
with 24 pieces in a Gift Box ... Mandarin Orange vs. Tangerine
The terms "Mandarin Orange" and "Tangerine" are often used interchangeably and this can be confusing because although a tangerine is a mandarin orange, not all mandarin oranges are tangerines.
Tangerines are smaller and sweeter than an orange yet larger than a mandarin and with skin that's darker in colour. The tangerine emigrated to America from Morocco's port of Tangiers, from which it got its name. Tangerine qualities include a reddish-orange skin that distinguishes it from the lighter-skinned mandarin.
Tangerines are the most popular type of mandarin. Flavourful! 🍊😋👍🏻
什么是 蕉柑 ? 潮州柑 是 潮汕 地区 著名水果品种之一 ,也是潮州菜常用的烹饪原料。潮州市是“潮州柑”的原产地,种植历史悠久,至今已有一千三百多年的种植历史。“ 潮州柑 ”共有碰柑、蕉柑、雪柑三大品种,是柑桔的优良品种,素有“ 柑桔皇后 ”美誉,其特色明显、声名远播。“ 潮州柑 ” 果品硕大 、皮色金黄 、 汁多爽口 、 清甜盈香 、 风味独特 。
潮州蕉柑的皮 、络、核可入药, 皮称陈皮 ,性温味苦辛,中医认为有理气健胃,祛痰镇咳、通经的功效,可用于高血压、咳嗽、胸肋疼痛等症;柑核,性温味苦,功能理气,散结、止痛,适用于小肠疝气、睾丸肿痛、乳腺发炎等。🍊💪🏻👍🏻
**All advanced orders are based on a "first-come-first-serve" basis and subjected to the arrival of our shipment, and stocks availability only 🍊😍👍🏻
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