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Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy was last modified on Thu Jun 24 2021 00:53:07 GMT+0800 (+08).

GreenA Grove ('us', 'we' or 'our') operates https://greenagrove.com (the 'Site') of which we value and respect your privacy. We have created the Privacy and Security Policy to keep you informed how the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information we receive from our members ('users') of the Site and how we protect your personal information. Your trust means everything to us. That’s why we respect your privacy and protect it with strong encryption, plus strict policies on how all data is handled.
Collecting Personal and Technical Information

We collect personal information such as your names, addresses, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, or other information, when you register or place an order on our website. If you wish, you may also visit our website anonymously.

GreenA Grove may require additional information, such as billing and payment information (including billing address, telephone number, credit card information), a telephone number, and/or a physical address. Credit card information on an account may be stored and used for billing purposes.

Certain information in our website is collected by using technologies such as cookies and web server logs, to enhance your experience when visiting our website.
Sharing the Information
We share the information when it is necessary to:
- Create and manage your online account;
- Process your order and payment;
- Personalize your site experience;
- Provide better customer service;
- Forward you the promotional materials;
- Have communications and administration of your participation in contests, special events and/or any other promotional offers;
- Comply with any legal requirements or requests, where applicable.
We may also share the information with:
- Our affiliates or partners for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy or as otherwise specified in the notice provided at the time of collection or delivery.
- Service providers who perform services on our behalf in accordance with our instructions as necessary to perform services on our behalf or comply with the legal requirements and to evaluate use of the website.
- Other third parties with your consent.

Messages from GreenA Grove

In order to fulfill orders and keep you informed, GreenA Grove will contact you. Typically, messages are delivered by email and SMS messages, and every account is required to keep a valid email address and phone number on file to receive messages. In some situations, GreenA Grove may contact you by telephone or email in order to provide you with information about products and features you may find of interest or to provide you with customer support. You may update your contact preferences in your account settings.

Some messages from GreenA Grove are service-related and required for members. Examples of service-related messages include, but are not limited to: a welcome/confirmation email when you register your account, confirmation of your order, or correspondence with the GreenA Grove support team. These messages are not promotional in nature. You may not opt-out of receiving service-related messages from GreenA Grove, unless you close your account.

As a member, GreenA Grove may also send you messages related to certain features on the site or your activity. GreenA Grove may also send you news or updates about changes to our site or services. By default, members will receive these messages via email, but you may choose to opt-out of getting certain emails under your account settings.

GreenA Grove will offer optional email newsletters in the near future. When you register for an account, or choose to subscribe, you will receive newsletters from us. Newsletters are available to both members and non-members. Members may subscribe or unsubscribe from optional newsletters under your account settings or by following the instructions contained in the newsletter emails. Non-members may subscribe by providing an email address and may unsubscribe from newsletters by following the instructions contained in the newsletter emails.

Log Data
Like many site operators, we collect information that your browser sends whenever you visit our Site ('Log Data'). This Log Data may include information such as your computer's Internet Protocol ('IP') address, browser type, browser version, the pages of our Site that you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on those pages and other statistics.

We maintain appropriate technical and management policies to safeguard your personal information and implemented security measures to protect the confidentiality, security and integrity of data stored in our system.
By using the www.greenagrove.com website, you are agreeing to this Privacy and Security Policy. We are not responsible for any breach of privacy statement or other contents on websites operate independently aside from www.greenagrove.com
Update of Our Privacy Policy
We may change or update our Privacy Policy from time to time without prior notice by posting a new version of the policy on our website. Please review frequently the privacy policy page on our website.

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