(Pre-Order) Taiwan Premium Original Ponkan 台湾原装特秀椪柑 12 Pcs in a Premium Gift Box (Size: L)
Premium Grade
Size: L
The Ponkan Mandarin Orange is a fruit produced in prodigious quantities in Taiwan, with the over 1000 tons produced in Tungshih Village of Taichung County being the best-known production region on the market, while the Changhwa County Yuenlin Village mandarin has also earned a reputation throughout Taiwan.
In light of the large areas of mandarin under cultivation in Taiwan, and the large production quantities, prices are naturally very attractive in comparison to other production regions, and of course, the sweet taste, rich juiciness, flavorful flesh, and high quality of Taiwan's Ponkan Mandarin Oranges make it a premier agricultural commodity. Taiwan Ponkans are exported mainly to Japan, Hong Kong and Canada 🍊😋👍🏻
**All advanced orders are based on a "first-come-first-serve" basis and subjected to the arrival of our shipment, and stocks availability only 🍊😍👍🏻
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